
These artists are working with young people on the Costa Chica to help them compose lyrics and music as part of a campaign against gender violence. In a structured concert with questions and answers, each song would be accompanied with explanations, examples and anecdotes so that each bolero and Chilean of Las Hermanas García will remain in the minds of the participants.

In June 2018, Las Hermanas García played to 500 primary school children in London. Prior co-ordination with the teacher enabled an excellent response from the children.  Who sung in Spanish and gueued up to meet the artist after the concert.

“Recently we went to Cochoapa, the  Amuzgo Indian village where Mariano García, our dad, was born,  to accompany kids from a group called, ‘Reading Makes Me Grow,’ run by a wonderful teacher called Afrodita Rojas. The publishers, Artes de México,  had asked our friends from Discos Corason to give out their bilingual story books to the kids. We talked, we sang and we laughed together.  Thanks,  Eugenia Santiago, for suggesting the visit and congratulations to  Afrodita Rojas  for her great work”.